After suffering a life of addiction and recovered, I wanted to share some of my experience & knowledge in a blog. If I can help someone somewhere, besides those that I help in my own community, then I will be very happy. Addiction of any kind is a serious deadly disease. It doesn't go away on it's own! Tovah
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Coca Cola & Red Bull Cola
Many parents were glad to hear the infomation about Red Bull Cola, it has been banned in Germany and several parents have told me since that they don't want their kids drinking it. Unfortunately it is a popular drink just like coca cola which also contains "extract of decocainized cocoa leaf" according to the manufacturers, but we all know how coca cola's recipe is a well guarded secret. I know many people who really are addicted to cola, but that could be because of the sugar and caffeine content. I'll let you into a secret I'm addicted to coffee.! Same thing! Ooops.
Anyway to follow the Red Bull story through......the findings of trace amounts of cocain according to '' was 0.13 micrograms to one can. Pretty small but my concern is that if an addict consumes enough of these cans it could start his cravings off, not for more Red Bull but for his drug of choice. Once he's had his first 'hit' then it's possible that like the alcoholic he has lost the power of choice.
One therapist wrote to me to say that he thought that was not possible. I know that for an addict or alcoholic to even feel that high a little, even if it's only from the sugar and taurine content, it's not such a great idea. If he is an addict of an obsessive nature he will obsess for the substance to get his high, then he could be in big trouble.
I've seen mothers give BABIES coca cola in a baby bottle to calm the kid, hey Mums what happened to good old milk or water or juice? The baby is screaming because he's probably hooked on caffeine already....... or cocain!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Is there cocaine in Red Bull Cola
Today I came across some information that was really disturbing. There was a report about cocain in the relatively new "Red Bull Cola" drink. The claim was that there are trace amounts in the drink and Germany have now banned the drink because of their drug laws. No doubt other countries will follow.
Red Bull spokesperson claims that the ingredients do not pose a health risk of "undesired pharmacological effects including, any potential narcotic effects." They claim that the drink contains no actual cocain but rather an "extract of decocainized" cocoa leaf. Official findings found traces of cocain. Apparently these accusations according to are true
Coca-Cola began humbly as a patent medicine in Atlanta. A shrewd business man saw its value as a beverage, and it rapidly grew to become the dominant consumer product of the American Century. Coca Cola stopped using cocaine in 1929 or so they claim and like with Red Bull Cola they say that they also use the "extract of decocainized" cocoa leaf, but to this day Coca Cola still guard their secret recipe very well.
Take a look at the following>>>> Interesting>>>>
Bayer's HeroinA bottle of Bayer's heroin. Between 1890 and 1910 heroin was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine. It was also used to treat children with strong cough.
Coca WineMetcalf Coca Wine was one of a huge variety of wines with cocaine on the market. Everybody used to say that it would make you happy and it would also work as a medicinal treatment.
Mariani wineMariani wine (1875) was the most famous Coca wine of its time. Pope Leo XIII used to carry one bottle with him all the time. He awarded Angelo Mariani (the producer) with a Vatican gold medal.
MaltineProduced by Maltine Manufacturing Company of New York . It was suggested that you should take a full glass with or after every meal. Children should take half a glass.
A paper weightA paper weight promoting C.F. Boehringer & Soehne ( Mannheim , Germany ). They were proud of being the biggest producers in the world of products containing Quinine and Cocaine.
Opium for AsthmaNo comments.
Cocaine tablets (1900)All stage actors, singers teachers and preachers had to have them for a maximum performance. Great to "smooth" the voice.
Cocaine drops for toothacheVery popular for children in 1885. Not only they relieved the pain, they made the children happy!
Opium for new-bornsI'm sure this would make them sleep well (not only the Opium, but 46% alcohol!!!!!)
And we worry about aspirin for children today???
Nowadays we can't even buy Codacamol over the counter because of abuse!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Shortcuts to happiness
Try to imagine how life would be, if the bank clerk was happy & smiling, or the bus driver, or the shop keeper or how your stay in hospital would have been much more bearable without the cantankerous head nurse yelling at everyone all day long. Usually pain is the underlying cause………..
It has been my experience that when one person overcomes anxiety, insecurity, drug dependency, physical disability, fear of death, the trauma of rape, the agony of divorce or any other black hole of personal discomfort, all those around that person are touched by his or her triumphs. As one person becomes happier, his or her attitudinal change alters the dynamics of all those around them, thereby having an enormous impact on his family and friends.
If happiness means that we become easier, more comfortable with ourselves, more accepting of others and their opinions (we don’t really have to be right all the time!) respectful, excited and appreciative of what we do and with whom we interact with, would we not become a pleasure to all those we meet?
I have heard people tell me the most horrendous stories of what has happened to them and what they have done to others. Instead of grimacing or showing any form of internal judgment about what had been shared I have asked in a simple non-judgmental way “why are you labeling yourself a terrible or bad person.
Most likely the response is “Everyone in the world would call me terrible for that” I will repeat the question again……….knowing that I am not judging, but accepting him, (not his deeds), he will start to relax and more often than not the stories of his childhood will pour out, probably for the first time ever.
What this does is opens a channel for a client, friend, child, spouse or loved one to be able to express himself in a safe, non threatening way.
To know that we are accepted for who we are warts and all, will bring about a change in a persons’ beliefs, his vision and his life. To become more self-accepting as well as happier in our actions (keep on doing the next right thing, no matter what it takes)by being more nurturing and loving to ourselves, our families and friends.
We are the difference.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The misunderstood meaning of addiction………
……………… a dependence on a substance for normal functioning, either physically, psychologically or spiritually…… When the drug or substance on which someone is dependent is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms which are life threatening in advanced stages. Hence the addict will go to just about any length to get his next fix.
Addiction is generally associated with increased tolerance of the substance, as is the case of prescription medication and alcohol. (The need for more frequent and greater amounts)
Physical dependence is different from psychological dependence. The latter is often noted as being associated by a compulsive, obsessive need for the drug for psychological reasons, while physical dependence commonly occurs with alcohol as well as illegal or therapeutic use of drugs and physical cravings occurs.
Addiction can in theory be derived from any rewarding behavior and is believed to be strongly associated with our ‘happy hormones’ the dopamine in the ‘brains reward system’ as is the case of cocaine and amphetamines.
A person who is physically dependent, but not psychologically dependent can have their doses slowly dropped until they are no longer dependent e.g a heavy drinker, pot smoker & in some cases I’ve known heroin users give up entirely without any help or rehabilitation.
However if the person is psychologically dependent, that is a ‘real addict or alcoholic’ they are still at serious risk for relapse and will need help to maintain sobriety by learning a few simple tools and coping skills to help them through their life.
So guys if you feel that you have any or all of these symptoms don't wait get help now. There is a saying amongst sober addicts which is " I know if I was still using or drinking I would either be dead, in jail or locked up in an institution.
For myself what started off as a lot of good fun back in the 60's led me to a living hell of alcohol abuse for many years, where I almost reached the point of death.
There is a solution.......
In the old days of flower power (the 60’s) a whole new world opened up for the generation of the ‘baby boomers’ that’s what we were labeled, post war babies.
We were weaned on the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Jerry and the Pacemakers, there were dozens of groups coming out of Liverpool, England (near to where I lived) and the USA. Actually you guys probably know some of the music of some of these incredible musicians, because some of them are still going strong, amazing when you think about it. I remember Elvis Presley as a young guy…… hey and look he’s still called the king! Who hasn’t heard of John Lennon? Mick Jagger? Anyway the point is that all of a sudden, the world opened up for us in a way like never before, much to the despair of our parents. I know parents don't change right?
There were communes, open air concerts that brought thousands of pot smoking, long haired, shoeless, teenagers all sleeping in the open getting high on their drugs and their music. Night clubs with live bands and the booze flowed through our veins. We went to college, drank and smoked some more, until the day came when many of us said “ ok now we have to get serious, stop this nonsense of smoking & drinking we have to get jobs, get married have kids”…… many did, but many did not. I have friends who are dead now, not because of old age but from drug or alcohol addiction!
At some point their drinking got out of control and their lives became totally messed up, maybe they got their jobs, wives, kids, nice house but they lost it all to alcohol or drugs or both. What happened? Why does this ‘disease’ of addiction start? Who does it choose? Why is it a disease? I’ll try to answer some of these questions next time.
For now guys have a great day.
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