After suffering a life of addiction and recovered, I wanted to share some of my experience & knowledge in a blog. If I can help someone somewhere, besides those that I help in my own community, then I will be very happy. Addiction of any kind is a serious deadly disease. It doesn't go away on it's own! Tovah
Q: My 19 year old son a good bachur and gashmake personality, who learns in a good yeshiva in a supervised dormitory, was having a severe pain in one of his teeth on a Shabbos. He took a few tylonol and went to a married friend for seudah shlishis which became a seudas preidah for a bachur who was leaving the Yeshiva, and he had about a glass of scotch.
He was still in a lot of pain as he went to Maariv, heard Havdalah, borrowed enough money for a bus ticket back to Yeshiva and went to the bus stop. The next thing he knew he woke up in the emergency room with a huge bump on his head. He had passed out at the bus stop. I have been open with my kids about the many dangers that they may encounter, but I never thought about drinking alcohol whilst taking medicine, I thought it was obvious.
We called a fellow that was with him at the seudah who shed some surprising (and worrisome) insight on the general situation: In some circles it is considered normal and acceptable for a bachur who davens with a minyan, learns three sedarim a day has a mussar seder and doesn’t engage in inappropriate activity to have some excuse to have an alcoholic drink during the week; there is usually some sort of simcha going on. It is acceptable to drink a whole glass of whiskey – skip the soda please; or vodka and two glasses are just as acceptable. Shabbos afternoon, three bachurim can easily knock off a whole bottle of scotch. Beer is almost a soft drink.
I asked my son why he or any of the boys would feel the need to drink alcohol. Is it to unwind to gain confidence, to avoid serious discussion or due to peer pressure?
This question did get him thinking but he couldn’t pin point the reason.
He does know as do his siblings because I have particular concerns, because my father was an alcoholic, and there is a pretty strong theory that alcoholism could have a genetic component. I asked him to write to you which he did not so I asked if he mind if I write, which he said was fine.
I asked him where his friends get the money for this relatively expensive habit, and he said “ Well, in some cases it is related to the other problem – gambling” I remember how my alcoholic Father would not let us play ‘old maid’ or ‘fish’ on Shabbos because cards were used for gambling. We were amazed, whoever knew? It seems like it is back in style. And they gamble hard and seriously and borrow money from friends and they don’t pay it back and the debt just keeps growing. He doesn’t gamble he’s already ‘dealt with a debt’ but he likes to watch for the entertainment. So I felt that before the summer the following is relevant.
Q: Is it normal for a bachur to have a glass of whiskey at a Kiddush or at a friends’ farewell seudah?
Q: When does it become ‘not normal’?
Q: When does it become an addiction?
Q: When does gambling become an addiction?
A: Your letter is most important calling attention to two serious problems affecting our youth, problems which many parents refuse to recognize because “it can’t happen in my family.” Unfortunately this denial is not often overcome, until they are struck with tragedy, chas vshalom. For whatever reason excessive drinking has become more prevalent.
A: Underage drinking should be strictly forbidden, except for a sip of wine at Kiddush there should be zero tolerance for drinking any liquor, wine, beer any alcohol – under age 18. Not on Shabbos, not at weddings, not on YomTov, not at a Shalom Zachor.
This may seem radical but it is not radical to parents who have rachmana litzlan lost a child to alcohol. If this is observed then one can fulfill the Purim halacha by having one ounce of wine on Purim (mishna brura 695:5) I don’t think that anyone at any age should be more frum than the Chofetz Chaim.
Hatzolah is unfortunately kept very busy on Purim and they can testify to the gruesome scenes they encounter.
A: Many young people do not have mature judgment, and their brains are sensitive to alcohol so the small amounts of alcohol distort their judgment. The only safeguard is to abstain from drinking.
Young people may think that it is smart or cool to drink. It is not. It is foolish and dangerous.
Children tend to emulate their parents. Parents should know that if they drink on Shabbos and become intoxicated they are inviting their children to suffer from addictions chas vshalom.
A: In the past few years there has been an alarming increase in teenage gambling and this problem has hit frum families as well. There are youngsters who pilfer from their parents, and are desperate enough to steal from strangers in order to gamble; others may commit credit card fraud.
A: Gambling can easily become addictive, and when this happens disaster is inevitable. I describe the problem in ‘Compulsive Gambling – Its More Than Dreidel’
Sadly it is not unusual to ignore warnings. Many parents are more comfortable believing that “it can’t happen to us.”
PARENTS WAKE UP! A concerted united effort by parents and community activists can prevent these potentially deadly behaviors; do not be lulled by a false sense of security.
Many people believe that we as human beings are only addicts if we abuse drugs or drink till we drop. Some people eat till they die, or don’t eat till they die or watch pornography until they become destructive, demeaning, desensitized, sub humans. These addictions are common enough unfortunately, but today I’m bringing into awareness the problem of people addiction or relationship addiction. (This is just the start)
Some men/women have the charms to manipulate such a relationship where the partner will become addicted to them, they will deliver all of their irresistible charms to capture their prize. ( this kind of person also has a soul sickness)
I want to make it clear here that their is no difference in gendre. I will use the masculine from here on in for easier writing.
When he ignores her, abuses her, cheats on her, or uses her, she can simply just decide to try harder, put more energy into the relationship, and take better care of him. She believes that if she does this, eventually he will notice and will see how valuable she is, and then he will fall on his knees in gratitude and treat her like aqueen, just like he did in the beginning…….Dream on!!
The fact is such a woman with a commitment to such a man, her dedication to being a proper wife/friend/lover has allowed such fairy tales to distort their sense of reality. The reality is that she is doomed to a lifetime of abuse and disappointment until "death do us part." This is a soul sickness in her; and she in turn becomes addicted to him. She has to fill the ‘hole in her soul’ with love, which she will not find in this kind of a relationship.
I have seen this kind of relationship in parents & children, husbands and wives, between siblings. The more dominant sibling will taunt and abuse the weaker one until the weaker is addicted to making the older sibling happy. Unfortunately this makes for more abusive relationships later on in life.
The unfortunate thing about addiction is that until the realization of such deficiencies in us are noticed and dealt with we will keep making the same mistake in every relationship that we have, until the problem is recognized.
Relationships can become some of the hardest parts of our lives and there are many 12 step groups to help us in these areas or to make an appointment with a good counselor or therapist who you can trust to help you to overcome these issues.
Here’s a breakdown of some of the worst offenders:
• Aspartame: This chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet soda. There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures.•
Acesulfame-K: Another artificial sweetener, on which testing has been scant and some studies show the additive may cause cancer.• Splenda: An artificial sweetener that may destroy up to 50 percent of your healthy intestinal bacteria, which are necessary to help maintain your body's overall balance of friendly versus unfriendly micro-organisms, and support your general health.To learn even more information about artificial sweeteners, and why they’re not safe, I encourage you to read my book Sweet Deception. There’s actually overwhelming evidence that consuming artificial sweeteners will likely wreak havoc on your body.Ironically, the very reason many people choose to drink diet sodas, to prevent weight gain, is actually a myth. Numerous studies show artificial sweeteners may impair your appetite regulation and lead to weight gain.
For example, it’s been discovered that diet soda increases your risk of metabolic syndrome and, ultimately, heart disease. What Else is Lurking in Your Can of Soda?
The average American drinks more than 60 gallons of soft drinks each year, and whether it’s diet or regular, the following ingredients are part of what you’re slurping down:
• Phosphoric Acid: This is added to give soda its characteristic “bite,” but it can also interfere with your body's ability to use calcium, leading to osteoporosis or softening of your teeth and bones. • Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks cause jitters, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, elevated blood cholesterol levels, vitamin and mineral depletion, breast lumps, birth defects, and perhaps some forms of cancer.
•Sodium Benzoate: This common preservative found in many soft drinks has been shown to cause DNA damage. It actually has the ability to switch off vital parts of your DNA, which could eventually lead to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson's.
• Benzene: Benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, is able to form in beverages that contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and the preservatives sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Exposure to heat and light can trigger the formation. While the federal limit for benzene in drinking water is 5 parts per billion (ppb), researchers have found benzene levels as high as 79 ppb in some soft drinks, and of 100 brands tested, most had at least some detectable level of benzene present. It’s because of these harmful ingredients, along with the fact that one can of regular soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, that soda remains on my list of the five absolute worst foods and drinks you can consume.
Take a look at this link
Many parents were glad to hear the infomation about Red Bull Cola, it has been banned in Germany and several parents have told me since that they don't want their kids drinking it. Unfortunately it is a popular drink just like coca cola which also contains "extract of decocainized cocoa leaf" according to the manufacturers, but we all know how coca cola's recipe is a well guarded secret. I know many people who really are addicted to cola, but that could be because of the sugar and caffeine content. I'll let you into a secret I'm addicted to coffee.! Same thing! Ooops. Anyway to follow the Red Bull story through......the findings of trace amounts of cocain according to '' was 0.13 micrograms to one can. Pretty small but my concern is that if an addict consumes enough of these cans it could start his cravings off, not for more Red Bull but for his drug of choice. Once he's had his first 'hit' then it's possible that like the alcoholic he has lost the power of choice.One therapist wrote to me to say that he thought that was not possible. I know that for an addict or alcoholic to even feel that high a little, even if it's only from the sugar and taurine content, it's not such a great idea. If he is an addict of an obsessive nature he will obsess for the substance to get his high, then he could be in big trouble.I've seen mothers give BABIES coca cola in a baby bottle to calm the kid, hey Mums what happened to good old milk or water or juice? The baby is screaming because he's probably hooked on caffeine already....... or cocain!
Today I came across some information that was really disturbing. There was a report about cocain in the relatively new "Red Bull Cola" drink. The claim was that there are trace amounts in the drink and Germany have now banned the drink because of their drug laws. No doubt other countries will follow.Red Bull spokesperson claims that the ingredients do not pose a health risk of "undesired pharmacological effects including, any potential narcotic effects." They claim that the drink contains no actual cocain but rather an "extract of decocainized" cocoa leaf. Official findings found traces of cocain. Apparently these accusations according to are true Coca-Cola began humbly as a patent medicine in Atlanta. A shrewd business man saw its value as a beverage, and it rapidly grew to become the dominant consumer product of the American Century. Coca Cola stopped using cocaine in 1929 or so they claim and like with Red Bull Cola they say that they also use the "extract of decocainized" cocoa leaf, but to this day Coca Cola still guard their secret recipe very well.Take a look at the following>>>> Interesting>>>>
Bayer's HeroinA bottle of Bayer's heroin. Between 1890 and 1910 heroin was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine. It was also used to treat children with strong cough.
Coca WineMetcalf Coca Wine was one of a huge variety of wines with cocaine on the market. Everybody used to say that it would make you happy and it would also work as a medicinal treatment.
Mariani wineMariani wine (1875) was the most famous Coca wine of its time. Pope Leo XIII used to carry one bottle with him all the time. He awarded Angelo Mariani (the producer) with a Vatican gold medal.
MaltineProduced by Maltine Manufacturing Company of New York . It was suggested that you should take a full glass with or after every meal. Children should take half a glass.
A paper weightA paper weight promoting C.F. Boehringer & Soehne ( Mannheim , Germany ). They were proud of being the biggest producers in the world of products containing Quinine and Cocaine.
Opium for AsthmaNo comments.
Cocaine tablets (1900)All stage actors, singers teachers and preachers had to have them for a maximum performance. Great to "smooth" the voice.
Cocaine drops for toothacheVery popular for children in 1885. Not only they relieved the pain, they made the children happy!
Opium for new-bornsI'm sure this would make them sleep well (not only the Opium, but 46% alcohol!!!!!)
And we worry about aspirin for children today???Nowadays we can't even buy Codacamol over the counter because of abuse!!
Try to imagine how life would be, if the bank clerk was happy & smiling, or the bus driver, or the shop keeper or how your stay in hospital would have been much more bearable without the cantankerous head nurse yelling at everyone all day long. Usually pain is the underlying cause………..
It has been my experience that when one person overcomes anxiety, insecurity, drug dependency, physical disability, fear of death, the trauma of rape, the agony of divorce or any other black hole of personal discomfort, all those around that person are touched by his or her triumphs. As one person becomes happier, his or her attitudinal change alters the dynamics of all those around them, thereby having an enormous impact on his family and friends.
If happiness means that we become easier, more comfortable with ourselves, more accepting of others and their opinions (we don’t really have to be right all the time!) respectful, excited and appreciative of what we do and with whom we interact with, would we not become a pleasure to all those we meet?
I have heard people tell me the most horrendous stories of what has happened to them and what they have done to others. Instead of grimacing or showing any form of internal judgment about what had been shared I have asked in a simple non-judgmental way “why are you labeling yourself a terrible or bad person.
Most likely the response is “Everyone in the world would call me terrible for that” I will repeat the question again……….knowing that I am not judging, but accepting him, (not his deeds), he will start to relax and more often than not the stories of his childhood will pour out, probably for the first time ever.
What this does is opens a channel for a client, friend, child, spouse or loved one to be able to express himself in a safe, non threatening way.
To know that we are accepted for who we are warts and all, will bring about a change in a persons’ beliefs, his vision and his life. To become more self-accepting as well as happier in our actions (keep on doing the next right thing, no matter what it takes)by being more nurturing and loving to ourselves, our families and friends.
We are the difference.
……………… a dependence on a substance for normal functioning, either physically, psychologically or spiritually…… When the drug or substance on which someone is dependent is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms which are life threatening in advanced stages. Hence the addict will go to just about any length to get his next fix.
Addiction is generally associated with increased tolerance of the substance, as is the case of prescription medication and alcohol. (The need for more frequent and greater amounts)
Physical dependence is different from psychological dependence. The latter is often noted as being associated by a compulsive, obsessive need for the drug for psychological reasons, while physical dependence commonly occurs with alcohol as well as illegal or therapeutic use of drugs and physical cravings occurs.
Addiction can in theory be derived from any rewarding behavior and is believed to be strongly associated with our ‘happy hormones’ the dopamine in the ‘brains reward system’ as is the case of cocaine and amphetamines.
A person who is physically dependent, but not psychologically dependent can have their doses slowly dropped until they are no longer dependent e.g a heavy drinker, pot smoker & in some cases I’ve known heroin users give up entirely without any help or rehabilitation.
However if the person is psychologically dependent, that is a ‘real addict or alcoholic’ they are still at serious risk for relapse and will need help to maintain sobriety by learning a few simple tools and coping skills to help them through their life. So guys if you feel that you have any or all of these symptoms don't wait get help now. There is a saying amongst sober addicts which is " I know if I was still using or drinking I would either be dead, in jail or locked up in an institution.For myself what started off as a lot of good fun back in the 60's led me to a living hell of alcohol abuse for many years, where I almost reached the point of death. There is a
In the old days of flower power (the 60’s) a whole new world opened up for the generation of the ‘baby boomers’ that’s what we were labeled, post war babies.
We were weaned on the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Jerry and the Pacemakers, there were dozens of groups coming out of Liverpool, England (near to where I lived) and the USA. Actually you guys probably know some of the music of some of these incredible musicians, because some of them are still going strong, amazing when you think about it. I remember Elvis Presley as a young guy…… hey and look he’s still called the king! Who hasn’t heard of John Lennon? Mick Jagger? Anyway the point is that all of a sudden, the world opened up for us in a way like never before, much to the despair of our parents. I know parents don't change right?
There were communes, open air concerts that brought thousands of pot smoking, long haired, shoeless, teenagers all sleeping in the open getting high on their drugs and their music. Night clubs with live bands and the booze flowed through our veins. We went to college, drank and smoked some more, until the day came when many of us said “ ok now we have to get serious, stop this nonsense of smoking & drinking we have to get jobs, get married have kids”…… many did, but many did not. I have friends who are dead now, not because of old age but from drug or alcohol addiction!
At some point their drinking got out of control and their lives became totally messed up, maybe they got their jobs, wives, kids, nice house but they lost it all to alcohol or drugs or both. What happened? Why does this ‘disease’ of addiction start? Who does it choose? Why is it a disease? I’ll try to answer some of these questions next time.
For now guys have a great day.
I feel that its really sad that schools do not offer classes on “how to be happy” (amongst other classes like how to be a mum or a dad I didn't know one end of a baby from another!!) instead we’re taught to think that we are responsible for all of the problems brought about in our own life and the lives of others.
Is it any wonder that we get angry, because of all the pressures real and imagined. We start to take medications to calm us down cos its exam time, cheer us up cos we're depressed, give us energy, help us to sleep…… sometimes abusing those very things that we wanted to help us. Well why not ……..we feel that we have the weight of the world on our shoulders………. or so it seems.
So often we try to change the world around us by trying to change others.Well I got news for you guys. It dosn't work. Honestly. I tried, it really dosn't work!
We keep looking at solutions to problems all outside of ourselves, which can appear so overwhelming and complex that any reasonable hope of success seems impossible and probably is.!!“What can I do?” we ask ourselves in despair. “I’m just one person.” A kid as well.The simple answer is that we can only change ourselves. The irony is that for us individually and for the planet collectively there perhaps is no issue more important than personal happiness. I don't mean going out partying every night. I'm not talking about 'having a good time' and feeling 'happy for an hour or so'
To be happy – and all that happy implies- means, comfortable, loving, accepting, nonjudgmental, joyful, at peace with oneself, doing the next right thing, might in fact be the best prescription for dealing with what most of us are concerned with on a global, communal and personal level.
If just one person changes, becomes happier (and it is a choice) touches another with a more loving, peaceful and generous hand, then the world has indeed, become a more loving and peaceful place. This has an effect on the world like a stone being thrown into the middle of a pond, its ripples spread throughout the water.Try it next time your angry, with your, Mum, Dad, brother, sister or friends. Put your pride (hurt feeling, cos usually your just feeling sorry for yourself, sorry but be honest!) to one side and say a loving or kind word instead of an angry one, you’ll be amazed at the difference!
Acceptance is the pathway to happiness!! We can’t change what isn’t ours to change.
We Are the Difference.
Monday, May 25, 2009
I believe one of the most interesting & inspiring pieces of advice I ever recieved was to just take life 'one day at a time'..........a very simple but admittedly not so easy concept.
What does it mean exactly...........? Well I used to wake up in a morning worrying about tonight (the date) or tomorrow (the exam) next week (whatever is supposed to happen) next month (a friend getting married) which meant "I've got nothing to wear" and just going on and on and on.........Sound familiar?? You can imagine all of this going on in my head, no wonder I would wake up with panick attacks. Not only were the panick attacks horrible but I was loosing out on sooooo much of life. I was so busy thinking and worrying about all the things in the future I didn't have time to live in the present. Oh yes I would even worry about the past as well. All that wasted energy. I would worry about what I had said or done or hadn't done, as if I could change anything, I remember thinking many times that I wish I had the power to do just that, but I know I'm powerless over any of those words that were spoken in haste or actions that I regretted, except maybe to apologize, but my head was so full of stuff that I didn't LIVE TODAY.
Write down on a piece of paper, a journal or diary, all the things that you are worrying about and put it all into columns or the days of the week. Whats really important for today, tomorrow or the day after. Write it down a great tool to help you sort out your thoughts. Once you've got it on paper you can leave it there.! It works for me.
Unhappiness is not inevitable
Even when we are angry, judgmental and miserable,
We have the best of intentions.
Unhappiness is not an enemy………..just a choice.
These writings are not based on a moral imperative:
No shoulds or should nots, just choices.
When we choose happiness, we choose love & inner peace.
When we choose love and inner peace, we will help others on the planet choose it as well…by our example.
We can live our dreams….instead of just dreaming them.
We can make a difference!
We ARE the difference.
I hope I get the opportunity to write on a daily basis my experiences of the day and how I coped with those situations that at one time would certainly have sent me into a frenzy of nervousness or frustration, anger or just plain despair. (Please forgive me if I don't, cos you know what, stuff happens, so I can only do my best) It would help me tremendously if you would write comments after each 'page' the more I get the better!!
I want your honesty. I want your deepest thoughts and ideas and feelings. If you think I'm talking from an alien place then say so, confront me......
Honesty is so important to me. After all if I'm not honest with myself what’s the point, I know I can kid anybody if I want, but what's the point of kidding myself, it just means I'm going to wallow in my misery for longer.!